Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre directed by Amy McCleary
"Sam Brackley stars as the Biblical title character and favorite of son of Jacob. When sibling rivalry gets the best of his 11 brothers, they concoct a scheme to fake Joseph's death and sell him into slavery. Despite what sounds like a heavy plot, Brackley plays a very likable and charming character. He has good looks and a strong voice and easily wins over the audience." -BroadwayWorld.com

La Cage aux Folles at Signature Theatre
directed by Matthew Gardiner
"Les Cagelles are a visual delight..." - BroadwayWorld.com
"The Cagelles, most notorious and dangerous, provide a delicious level of deviousness to the performance on the whole. Performing as a unified ensemble with fully fleshed out attitudinal ferocity when it comes to the ‘off-stage’ moments in the dressing room, the core of six superb starlets deliver moment after moment of delectable dancing and outrageously fun moments that are sprinkled liberally throughout the performance." - TheatreBloom.com
"Gardiner has cast some extraordinary performers with pipes that can go from alto to soprano in a New York minute, fantastic dance skills, and GQ worthy bodies too. Big applause to the supporting cast of Les Cagelles..." -Alexandria Times
"Energetic kick lines, epic costume changes, dizzying routines, tap dancing, splits! Is there anything Les Cagelles can't do? (Les Cagelles are) one of the most impressive ensembles to grace local stages in recent memory. Zipping through director Matthew Gardiner's challenging and whimsical choreography with ease, the group brings the perfect mix of glitz, easy confidence, and sheer athleticism to this joyful, life-affirming production."
- DCist.com

Saturday Night Fever at Theatre By The Sea
directed by Richard Sabellico
"Standing out among supporting characters is Sam Brackley as Bobby. His strength as an actor is actions that belie his feelings; when he ditches his girlfriend to just impress his male friends, we understand that he really still cares for the girl. Brackley also has nice voice, which he displays in 'Jive Talkin’' and 'Dog Eat Dog'."
-The Independent
"Sam Brackley is a true talent."
-The Westerly Sun
"Sam Brackley's sympathetic portrayal as this underdog resonates with the audience from start to finish of the show. Sam delivers a gut wrenching performance as Bobby. He does an impressive song and dance which brings down the house in the number 'Jive Talking'."
-Toby's Corner